Expedition 4x4 - Primeras Nieves Chubut

Expedition 4x4 - Primeras Nieves Chubut.
In the first days of winter we return to Chubut to go in search of the challenge that the snow in Patagonia presents us, reaching the most remote corners with surprising landscapes either due to the abundance of the forests or the desolation of the steppe. Starting in Corcovado we will descend along the border with Chile until we reach Alto Río Senguer, along paths and footprints lost on the map, abandoned at this time of year.
This is the First Snow Expedition through the Andes of Patagonia and we present it to you here!
It is a journey of medium to high difficulty, so the possibility of completing the routes will be subject, as expected, to climatic factors, fundamentally considering the amount of snow fallen before and during the event, the preparation and equipment of the vehicles, such as as well as the experience of the drivers and their co-drivers. All the proposed routes will be undertaken within a framework of security and coherence, for which the good predisposition, will and effort of the entire group formed is necessary.
Because they are unique circuits, the availability of alternative routes in some cases is zero, which can lead to considerable delays.
For all of the above, we have fundamental requirements to participate, having previous experience and a vehicle equipped for this purpose, highlighting once again that the collaboration and predisposition of everyone will be essential to achieve the proposed objectives.
If you have any questions, we are as always at your disposal!
(+54) 9 11 4184-6376
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(+54) 9 11 4184-6376
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Atuel 682, Hurlingham,
Provincia de Buenos Aires.
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